CSTE Preparation Questions Set - 9

1.    What role, in test process definition, should a tester play? 

A tester should play a major role in test process definition since the test process is his/her focus. The tester should review the current test process with an objective of inserting improvements and then should pilot the process and provide feedback and suggestions and/or recommendations. If a new test process is being developed then the tester is the best person to ensure that best testing practices are used. 

2.    Define Cost of Quality. 

COQ is everything other than the true cost to build a product. It includes failure and appraisal/prevention costs. 

3.    Briefly define management by fact. 

MBF means that the specified results should be qualitative and the processes should provide adequate quantitative data as a by-product of the process to determine whether or not the specified results are being achieved. 

4.    How many Deming principles are there? 


5.    How many levels are in the CMM? 


6.    Describe the fundamental difference between QA and QC.

QA activities are used to prevent the introduction of flaws; activities that find and correct flaws are QA activities. 

7.    Give five examples of quality attributes or critical success factors. 

1) Accuracy
2) Ease of use
3) Service levels
4) Portability
5) File integrity

8.    Briefly describe the difference between automated and manual testing tools. 

Manual tools do not execute program code and do not require executing software; automated tools do. 

9.    Describe IV and V. 

Independent verification and validation means reviewing a process by an entity outside of the process itself.
This entity, will investigate whether or not a process exists and, it so, if it is being followed and how effective it is. 

10.                       List three types of "interfaces." 

1) Human to human
2) System to system
3) Human to machine

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